Well, we had the worst storm I have ever been through yesterday. I knew they were calling for
thunderstorms due to the unusually high temps we have been having so far this year but I didn't know that they were calling for this.....
I went browsing the news websites for around our area & came across this photo. My first thought was man where was that at? Only to find that on our way to church this morning surveying the damages in our area that this house was just a few miles down the road from where we live!!! My heart breaks for those that have vinyl siding because it seemed like every house we passed with it looked somewhat like this.
When the storm came I wasn't thinking much of it because I like thunder & all. Well, when the first bits of hail started falling my heart started to pump alittle faster. The hail kept coming & coming & coming........my husband wasn't home at the time (he was just up the road working at the shop) so I gave him a call. He was unaware of what was going on outside because of all the equipment that was running. Things get a bit more scary for me having an almost 2 year old at home. I don't just have myself to protect but another life to protect as well. When I talked to my husband I told him I was headed to the basement. He advised me that was a good place to be! Our poor son really didn't know what was going on........
I wasn't able to watch the news to see what they were calling for because our satellite went out due to the weather. I did get to talk to my mom & she told me they had tornado warnings out for this area. Daddy & mama just live 15 minutes aways from us but didn't have the same advisory (at least I don't think). At this point I am SCARED!!! My husband isn't home.........I have someone besides myself to take care of...........
The wind is getting up.....hail is still falling (& getting bigger).....branches are falling off the trees......thunder & lightening. Man oh man is our roof going to blow off? What about the windows? The hail is hitting them so hard is one going to break?
So.......I ended up in the basement bathtub! I stayed on the phone with Greg until the storm let up. I am thinking it was 10 minutes or more of straight hail. Saying a prayer while trying to keep our son from getting too worried! He was very still through the whole thing & I still don't know if he knows really what was going on. I asked him this morning if we had a big storm yesterday & all he says is "bath". HAHA.
Well, I just have to say that the good LORD was looking out for us yesterday because it could have been MUCH worse. We ended up with golf ball size hail.....& honestly some could have been even bigger than that! We, still have hail piled in our flower beds. Carsen thought it was kinda cool to eat a few pieces of the hail after the storm.....not sure if that is really good to be eating.
Anyways, that was my excitement for yesterday! Thank you Lord for protecting us! :)
These are a few other pictures I was able to find online.
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